Tag Archive: Church

collaboration-not-compromise-control-agile-blog-solutionsiqBy Tara Alexander

Collaboration is a powerful tool in the hands of people who understand that their gifts and talents can be combined for a greater good. When we come together as Christians we are not losing a piece of ourselves but we are gaining more of Him! People sharpen us to become more like Jesus. Your strength combined with mine may be just what the community needs. Collaboration often precedes powerful work in any community. We can join forces to create a space where lives are changed, communities are healed, people are helped and God’s purposes are truly fulfilled.

Here are things to ask yourself as you contemplate collaboration:
  1. What specifically are we aiming to do?
  2. Does the collaboration/project/idea reflect my spiritual beliefs?
  3. Am I the person that God called to lead this venture or am I the person who will support it being done?
  4. What gifts do I have that can support the project/idea?
  5. What gifts am I “willing” to share?
  6. What am I “not willing” to share? Why?
  7. How much time can I invest in this collaboration?
  8. What am I expecting as a return on my investment of time?
  9. Do I want to be paid for my skills? If so, how much, why & when?
  10. Am I willing to pray continually for the success of this collaboration?
  11. Are my motives to see its success even without me involved?
  12. Can I serve even if I am not chosen to lead?
  13. Do I have the maturity to stay as we work out the kinks of working together?
  14. Do I have the interpersonal skills to work as a team member?
  15. Do I need training in order to work more effectively with others?
  16. Who will take responsibility for this work if it is not what we expected?
  17. Who do I want to get the credit for this work if it is successful?

© 2016 Tara Alexander … All Rights Reserved

Tara Alexander

Tara Alexander is committed to empowering lives through community outreach, teambuilding, entrepreneurship and the arts. She believes that the talents we have must serve for a greater purpose and intends to use her life helping people embrace that truth. For more articles and information about Tara Alexander go to http://www.taraalexander.com or http://www.withGODweWin.com

by Tara Alexander

Do you know that God is interested in your family coming together to glorify Him? In fact all through the word we see the giving of sacrifices that include parents and children participating in worship and serving the Lord together. Even Abraham said to others that he and his son, Isaac,  were “going to worship” in the Genesis account of Abraham’s sacrificial act[i]. From the account, worship did not seem to be a strange thing for him and his son to do together. In Nehemiah, the children of Israel were stationed by families as they rebuilt the wall in Jerusalem.[ii] Later these generations stood together for the reading of the word and worship to the Lord[iii] after their work was completed.

Together families can rekindle the flames on the family altar through worship, prayer and the reading of scripture. These times of humbling ourselves before God can cultivate a passion for God that can live for generations and a legacy of faith that can keep us in the most trying times.  When our children see our humbling ourselves before God, they too begin to do the same. When we get the generations to come before God together, He becomes the great “unifier”. He brings us closer to Him and closer to each other. Though there are many benefits of family worship, here are just 12 reasons that you should want to get your family involved in honoring God together…

12 Benefits of Family Worship

  1. God is Magnified when we stand together before Him
  2. Families are Edified as we sing songs that build our inner spirit
  3. Humility is Cultivated in our character as we humble ourselves together before Our Savior
  4. Teachability is Exhibited as we learn melodies  & harmonies in cooperation together
  5. The Power of Agreement is Evident as we come together around the same theme of worship
  6. Faith is Increased as we hear and speak forth  the Word of God
  7. God’s Statutes are Learned  & Remembered as word-filled worship melodies are written on our  hearts
  8. The Word is Obeyed as we worship on one accord and train up our children in the way they should go.
  9. Teamwork/Unity is Mandated as we work together to accomplish the goal
  10. Fellowship is Cherished as we spend quality time togther
  11. Memories are Made as we experience God’s presence together
  12. Legacy is Honored as we pass down our passion for God to the next generation

[i] Genesis 22:5

[ii] Nehemiah 3



Finale Tonight at 6pm!!!!

Please join us tonight for our final discussion on” What On Earth Am I Here For?” by Rick Warren. It has been Life-Changing! 119 S. Broad St. Call in at 530.881.1300 Access Code 771685# http://www.championchurchnola.com