Tag Archive: Music

collaboration-not-compromise-control-agile-blog-solutionsiqBy Tara Alexander

Collaboration is a powerful tool in the hands of people who understand that their gifts and talents can be combined for a greater good. When we come together as Christians we are not losing a piece of ourselves but we are gaining more of Him! People sharpen us to become more like Jesus. Your strength combined with mine may be just what the community needs. Collaboration often precedes powerful work in any community. We can join forces to create a space where lives are changed, communities are healed, people are helped and God’s purposes are truly fulfilled.

Here are things to ask yourself as you contemplate collaboration:
  1. What specifically are we aiming to do?
  2. Does the collaboration/project/idea reflect my spiritual beliefs?
  3. Am I the person that God called to lead this venture or am I the person who will support it being done?
  4. What gifts do I have that can support the project/idea?
  5. What gifts am I “willing” to share?
  6. What am I “not willing” to share? Why?
  7. How much time can I invest in this collaboration?
  8. What am I expecting as a return on my investment of time?
  9. Do I want to be paid for my skills? If so, how much, why & when?
  10. Am I willing to pray continually for the success of this collaboration?
  11. Are my motives to see its success even without me involved?
  12. Can I serve even if I am not chosen to lead?
  13. Do I have the maturity to stay as we work out the kinks of working together?
  14. Do I have the interpersonal skills to work as a team member?
  15. Do I need training in order to work more effectively with others?
  16. Who will take responsibility for this work if it is not what we expected?
  17. Who do I want to get the credit for this work if it is successful?

© 2016 Tara Alexander … All Rights Reserved

Tara Alexander

Tara Alexander is committed to empowering lives through community outreach, teambuilding, entrepreneurship and the arts. She believes that the talents we have must serve for a greater purpose and intends to use her life helping people embrace that truth. For more articles and information about Tara Alexander go to http://www.taraalexander.com or http://www.withGODweWin.com

Fly Cover 2

Siloam Music presents Tara Alexander in a New EP that is Downright Inspiring, Absolutely Musical and Skillfully Soulful!! Tara Alexander’s Fly delivers an amazing offering to her audience – challenging hearers to fly above the circumstances and into divine purpose. Please get your copy and encourage others to get theirs too! AVAILABLE NOW on iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby!

Stay Connected for an Invite to the Listening Party and other Live Performances

For More Info Contact Us at: info@taraalexander.com

Produced by Jeffery “Jelly Bean” Alexander, Tara Alexander & Donald Ramsey for Siloam Music


By Tara Alexander

Juanita Brooks was a classy lady. Absolutely unpretentious and completely fabulous on stage. The one thing that strikes out to me is that Juanita took the time to tell me about the gift of being a mother. She told me a story about how she was pregnant with her twin daughters and had made it for a very popular  play. I remember sitting backstage as she told me how her Mama helped her balance the music and the children. All I could think is that I hope I could be half a mother that she was.

Being in the music business and pregnant seemed a whole lot easier because of Juanita’s advice. My family came first and no opportunity would hinder that. The stage would be gone one day and all that really would matter is my God and my family. Juanita Brooks was the kind of singer who made you feel like you knew everything about her. She put her heart in that music and you would think…”where does she get that from?”. I learned her secret was really no secret at all. Without hesitating she would tell you that it was God in her.

I already knew Juanita’s brothers (Mark and Detroit) at this time (they are so talented and funny!!!)  but I had not yet met her Mama and her sister, Barbara. Meeting them showed me so much more insight to their family. We all had a gig in Mackninac Island one year. Our families all went. We all sat there one morning at breakfast when Jaunita’s mom took out a pill bottle.  She spoke to us like little children when she said that we have to take our “pill” every morning. In the  pill bottle were scriptures written on  little strips of paper. Each of us took one and had to read it aloud. (I still remember Mark’s  face!!! ) I was so blessed! This was a lifestyle not a performance for them. I was raised the same way but I had never seen another family upclose with that same spiritual conviction. That’s where Juanita learned this. God, family and then everything else.

My daughter is now a beautiful, 17 year old, with wonderful character and a bright future. She is the blessing to my life that Juanita talked about. No amount of money, no gig, no stage, no audience could ever bring me the joy that I feel about being her “Mama”.  I have traveled all over this world and Juanita’s advice still rings true. People see you sing, they love your voice but they really don’t know you as a person. So let me testify that Juanita Brooks was not just a voice but a real, balanced, beautiful, gifted person who showed God’s heart off the stage as well as on the stage. I thank God she passed my way. To learn more about Juanita log on to www.juanitabrooksmusic.com


For more info on Tara Alexander log on to www.taraalexander.com or email us at info@taraalexander.com